for foreign lawyers

Insurance and social security

Annual membership

Your fee of the Brussels Bar includes a number of insurance policies. There are also voluntary insurances not included in 

the annual Bar fee. In addition, as a lawyer on the EU-list of the Brussels Bar, you are subject to the Belgian social security system.

The following insurances are included in the annual Bar fee

Insurer: Amlin insurance (principal insurer): civil professional liability of lawyers, Order of Flemish Bars, [policy LXX034899] (hereafter: civil professional liability policy). Vanbreda Risk & Benefits is acting as broker. The policy was last renewed on 1 January 2020, for a term of three years.


  • Lawyers registered on the EU-list who did not opt-out. Lawyers registered on the B-list that do not have their own insurance and have indicated on the application form that they wish to join the professional liability insurance (‘opt-in’).
Opt-out possibility for lawyers registered on the EU-list: the insurance premium can be refunded by the Bar upon presentation of proof of an own insurance policy that is equivalent in terms of coverage and modalities. 

Lawyers are insured for civil liability, both contractual and non-contractual for:

  • Damage caused to third parties, including their clients, in the exercise of their profession as a lawyer, either by their own act or by the act of their trainees or temporary or permanent employees, whether or not in the capacity of partner or of all persons for whom they are civilly liable.
  • All physical and material damage to third parties or to their clients caused by them, their staff or their property, whether movable or immovable, during or on the occasion of the exercise of the professional activity of lawyer.

Amount of coverage: Maximum € 2.5 million per claim for all activities carried out in Belgium, with an excess of € 2.500,00. For non-contractual civil liability, the amount of the guarantee is € 6.2 million for bodily damage and € 620.000,00 for material or immaterial damage per claim.

Insurance premium per lawyer: € 505,13 for the year 2023

Contact: in case of damage, contact Vanbreda Risk and Benefits via or +32 3 217 50 35.

Insolvency insurance

Insurer: Amlin insurance (principal insurer): insurance of insolvency of lawyers, Order of Flemish Bars, [policy LXX034900] (hereafter: insolvency policy). Vanbreda Risk & Benefits is acting as broker.

Insured: (1) Lawyers registered on the EU-list and (2) lawyers registered on the B-list that do not have their own insurance and have indicated in the application form that they wish to join the insolvency policy. Lawyers registered on the B-list are insured only with respect to their trust accounts in the context of their activities at the Flemish Bars.

Beneficiaries: The persons, clients or third parties, who, as a direct result of an insolvency of lawyers, cannot receive the sums due to them.

Guarantee: The insurance provides reimbursement of funds, securities or values received and misappropriated by a lawyer as a result of dishonesty committed in the exercise of their professional duties. The compensation paid will be recovered from the lawyer in question.

Insurance premium per lawyer: € 41,90 for the year 2023
Contact: or +32 3 217 50 35.

Disability insurance

Insurer: Verzekeringen Precura OVV, [collective disability insurance policy ‘Prevoca’] and [annex], [Prevoca information sheet].

Insured: Lawyers registered on the EU-list and lawyers registered on the B-list

Guarantee: The collective disability insurance policy aims to cover loss of income in case of sickness, pregnancy or as a result of an accident.

The insurance policy provides, as a basic guarantee, a daily allowance of € 105,00 if the recognized incapacity for work is 65% or more and provided that the insured has ceased all personal professional activity. A degree of 25% or more entitles the insured to proportional compensation. A degree of incapacity of less than 25% does not give any right to compensation.

lso notify the health insurance fund.

A pregnancy completed by childbirth entitles to an allowance of at least 10 times the basic insured guarantee (€ 105,00). An early termination of pregnancy (before six months) does not entitle the insured to such an allowance. To claim this allowance, please provide the following information to

  • copy of the birth certificate
  • national registry number
  • bank account number
  • private address

Termination or end of coverage: upon cessation of activities as a lawyer or on reaching the age of 65. The insurance coverage can be extended to the age of 75 provided it is limited to 300 cumulative reimbursable days.

Insurance premium per lawyer: € 566,00 for the year 2023 or +32 2 304 11 02

In case of incapacity for work, lawyers should a

Voluntary hospitalization insurance

Lawyers registered on the EU-list can subscribe to the voluntary hospitalisation insurance scheme negotiated by the Order of Flemish Bars.

The premium of this voluntary insurance scheme is not included in the membership fee.

Contact: or +32 3 217 55 11

Social security

A foreign lawyer registered on the EU-List of the Brussels Bar is subject to the Belgian social security system. The social security contributions cover pension, family allowance, and sickness and disability insurance. Social security 

contributions are calculated on the basis of the income of the person in their self-employed capacity and covers pension, family allowance and sickness and disability insurance for the second-to-last fiscal year preceding the year for which the contributions are due.

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